Author - Daniels Kenneth In category - Software development Publish time - 17 October 2022

Mourning because team members are paring after forging deep relationships during the project and celebration for a job well done. In the adjourning stage, most of the team’s goals have been accomplished. The emphasis is on wrapping up final tasks and documenting the effort and results. As the work load is diminished, individual members may be reassigned to other teams, and the team disbands. There may be regret as the team ends, so a ceremonial acknowledgement of the work and success of the team can be helpful. In the Performing stage of team development, members feel satisfaction in the team’s progress.

team development stages

Our discussion so far has focused mostly on a team as an entity, not on the individuals inside the team. This is like describing a car by its model and color without considering what is under the hood. External characteristics are what we see and interact with, but internal characteristics are what make it work. In teams, the internal characteristics are the people in the team and how they interact with each other. If you’ve asked team members to update progress documents weekly, check to make sure it’s being done.

How can you help your team advance in their development?

Afterward, it starts to dismantle itself in readiness for other tasks. The adjourning stage is a time for both mourning and celebration.

As new tasks arise, groups may still experience a few conflicts. If you’ve already dealt with disagreement before, it will probably be easier to address this time. In this stage, the team comes together for the first time, and members get to know each other. The forming stage is often slow and casual since it primarily involves members getting acquainted. Trust is built, which plays a critical role in the team’s success. As the name suggests, team development entails training and supporting a group of individuals so that they work as a cohesive unit to realize the intended outcome. An excellent example of team development is when colleagues from different departments partner to work on a project.

#5 Adjourning Stage

It’s quite another for team members to understand what specific responsibilities each person has and how that fits into the larger picture. Full knowledge of the skills that everyone brings to the table, like development, web design, marketing, or product knowledge. This background will help the team solve problems faster and get the right information to the correct person on the first try. Let’s say your team is working on a project to make it easier for users to navigate your product.

team development stages

If you’re a team leader, it’s best to remember that an overlap between the storming and norming stages may appear. Your team can easily backslide into the storming stage, especially when new tasks arise or when handling the more complicated aspects of the project. For this reason, team leaders should be at hand to help members return to the norming stage. In the norming stage, the team falls into a rhythm and starts to work as a cohesive task force. Each member’s talents and skills get validated and utilized in executing the necessary tasks.


(Although, it does make the stages easier to remember.) Each is aptly named and plays a vital part in building a high-functioning team. For example, the seven-member executive team at Whole Foods spends time together outside of work. Its members frequently socialize and even take group vacations. According to co-CEO John Mackey, they have developed a high degree of trust that results in better communication and a willingness to work out problems and disagreements when they occur. Some teams do come to an end, when their work is completed or when the organization’s needs change. While not part of Tuckman’s original model, it is important for any team to pay attention to the end or termination process.

  • Throwing a group of talented people together doesn’t mean that they will form a great team.
  • No member of the team will be afraid to ask questions, raise concerns, or propose new ways of performing tasks.
  • Browser ExtensionsAccess meeting notes inside of Google Meet and get helpful details through Google Calendar events.
  • In this stage, the team comes together for the first time, and members get to know each other.
  • People tend to focus on practical details – who, what, when and where and work reasonably independently at this stage – while they learn where they and everyone else fits into the team.
  • Such conflicts can hinder progress and even grind everything to a halt.
  • Team members thrive when handling individual and collective tasks since each individual’s skills are fully optimized.

Jira IntegrationTurn action items generated in Fellow into Jira issues so their completion status stays in sync between both tools. MeetingsBuild collaborative agendas, record notes and action items in real-time, and never forget what was discussed.

Dissent is expected and allowed as long as it is channelled through means acceptable to the team. In this stage, all team members take responsibility and have the ambition to work for the success of the team’s goals. They start tolerating the whims and fancies of the other team members. They accept others as they are and make an effort to move on. The danger here is that members may be so focused on preventing conflict that they are reluctant to share controversial ideas. At the end of the day, when your team implements the five stages of team development, it sets up everyone in all roles for success.

team development stages

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