Author - Daniels Kenneth In category - Cryptocurrency exchange Publish time - 2 August 2023

how to be a gigachad

Yet he seems surprised at the notion that other guys can’t get a single such number, let alone figures that are similar to his. This is called the apex fallacy, the idea that the most elite members of a specific demographic have similar trajectories as those at the bottom. The clearest example of this is on a video that Schapiro uploaded onto the vlogging channel The Daily Dropout on 5 December 2019, called “Have You Seen One of These Before?”. In his video, Schapiro suggests to one of the girls (whose number he just received without asking) that 99% of guys are scared of approaching top-of-the-range pretty girls.

  • Due to this lack of experience of being bullied, gigachad is unlikely to express sympathy for the bullied.
  • Gigachads are able to jump from incredible heights, such as from a skyscraper to a mountain top.
  • Since there is nothing to ridicule on the body or the personality traits of a gigachad, he has typically never been bullied, whether in the workplace or back at school.
  • His impressive muscular physique intimidates the majority of men on our planet.

However, Jeremy Meeks has shown that even morally questionable convicts still benefit from the halo effect, thus by extension, inheriting a societal position whereby he has been assured an easy pathway towards a romantic life. In a nutshell, the gigachad is in a win-win situation; due to his looks he can’t lose in the dating scene, even if a calamity befalls him. The exaltations of real-life gigachads sometimes give off the impression that a bulk of gigachads incline towards the apex fallacy. For example one well known gigachad is called Steven Schapiro. He has collected the phone numbers of gigastacies and stacylites at a quantity that would easily hit six digits.

Meme Gigachad[edit edit source]

They are also extremely agile, can do acrobatics, and even flips, somersaults, and rolls. Gigachads are able to jump from incredible heights, such as from a skyscraper to a mountain top. Gigachads have the ability to scare tungsten and other metals into sublimation.

how to be a gigachad

Gigachads also have the superhuman power of staring down beta males, normies and other virgins into a pile of dust due to their raw 100% pure masculinity. Gigachads mog all other Chads and are taller than the average Chad. An allosexual hetero woman’s reaction to seeing the Gigachad is the equivalent to how moths react to a lightbulb.


As some gigachads experienced a glow up and were ugly until late in puberty. These gigachads are typically the most successful in long term relationships, as some femoids find a developed sense of empathy to be sexy, in the context of such relationships. Gigachad is a 10/10 Chad who is within the top 0.01% of physical attractiveness. His impressive muscular physique intimidates the majority of men on our planet. Gigachads normally have incredible facial aesthetics and symmetry, tall stature, and have reached peak physique. Gigachads possess all the usual powers of superhuman strength, endurance, and the ability to fly.

how to be a gigachad

Yet, Schapiro appears to ridicule these men by gaslighting them into thinking that they have a chance – that the average guys cautiousness or pessimism is irrational. Steven Schapiro appears to be oblivious to the fact that he’s a gigachad. Having lots of gigachads in your locality isn’t eco-friendly, as all the women are continually using detergents to wash their grool-stained panties purely from walking past him. Since there is nothing to ridicule on the body or the personality traits of a gigachad, he has typically never been bullied, whether in the workplace or back at school. Due to this lack of experience of being bullied, gigachad is unlikely to express sympathy for the bullied.

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