Author - Daniels Kenneth In category - Cryptocurrency exchange Publish time - 25 August 2023

how to stake tether

For example, Binance allows investors to stake up to 2,000 Tether tokens to earn an annualized yield of 10%. The yield declines to 3% for staking between 2,000 and 75,000 tokens and to only 1% for staking more than 75,000 tokens. But you can earn a 5% annualized yield on any amount of Tether staked if you lock up your coins for 30 days. One of the more intriguing of these methods is to stake cryptocurrencies. You can earn rewards by committing your crypto assets for use in confirming blockchain transactions. Therefore, it’s advisable to conduct comprehensive due diligence and possibly spread your staking across different platforms and currencies for risk management.

Staking USDT is an appealing opportunity for crypto investors to earn passive income while keeping exposure to price volatility at bay. As we’ve highlighted, several platforms enable this process, each offering unique features and rewards. However, like all investments, it’s vital to weigh up the potential risks and returns before diving in.

For diversification, OKEx also provides a more sophisticated staking product, ‘Earn,’ applicable to a range of other cryptocurrencies. Once staked, your USDT will start to yield rewards at the agreed-upon rate. The frequency of payout can differ from one platform to another – some provide daily returns, while others might distribute rewards weekly or monthly.

Buy Tether

As one of the largest global cryptocurrency exchanges, Binance offers an array of services, including staking. They offer a ‘Flexible Savings’ feature for USDT, enabling users to earn interest by lending their USDT to Binance. This feature is termed ‘flexible’ due to the ability of users to withdraw their funds whenever they choose. For other cryptocurrencies, Binance provides a ‘Locked Staking’ service that can generate increased returns for users who commit their funds for a specific timeframe. The top cryptocurrency exchanges for trading in USDT stock are currently binance, okx, mandala, coinflex, ftx.

Multiple exchanges and platforms enable USDT staking, each with its own set of terms, conditions, and return rates. A thorough research process is needed to find the platform that best aligns with your requirements and risk capacity. The rewards will be distributed to your earn wallet every minute. However, do proper research before trusting any website with your crypto. The levels can also vary by how long you lock up your tokens for staking. Staking crypto refers to locking your digital tokens for a certain amount of time to help contribute to the performance and calculations on the native blockchain.

how to stake tether

Staking is akin to the crypto-version of a conventional savings account. Just as you accrue interest from the bank for depositing money into a savings account, you earn staking rewards, typically in the form of extra tokens, by partaking in the staking procedure. This method has witnessed an upward trajectory in popularity owing to its prospects for comparatively stable and passive income. It remains one of the most prominent and widely used stablecoins in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.


Before we dive into the specificities of staking USDT, it is imperative to unravel the basic tenets of staking in the crypto universe. In theory, staking them is much less risky than staking other tokens. However, the crash of Terra (LUNC -0.03%) after its sibling stablecoin TerraUSD (USTC 0.74%) lost its peg to the U.S. dollar certainly highlighted the risk of staking. Nonetheless, Tether has shown itself to be reliable so far and is the world’s standard for providing a stablecoin for the market and earning passive income. However, if you are earning passive income, you are growing your wealth in a relatively straightforward and stable manner. Quite often, traders will hold Tether for one reason or another.

Both can be staked quite easily, and both claim to be fully backed by either cash or short-dated US government treasuries. Tether will not be any different, but it is much more secure than staking other digital coins, as it is pegged to the US dollar. However, one of the most significant issues you could have is that the coin loses its peg. We have seen this recently, with the crash of Terra (LUNC) after its sibling stablecoin TerraUSD loss is pegged to the US dollar is a recent example of how things can unwind. Unlike staking other coins, if you cannot earn interest by becoming a “node,” some people use the term lending out coins interchangeably with staking. However, it does not act the same way with another coin, such as Ethereum.

You need to choose how you are going to stake your Tether and then deposit the Tether from your wallet into their wallet. It was initially launched under “RealCoin” in July 2014 but rebranded as “Tether” in November of the same year. It started training in early 2015, based initially on the Bitcoin blockchain. It now supports various blockchains such as TRON, EOS, Algorand, Ethereum, Solana, OMG Network, and Bitcoin Cash, as well as Bitcoin’s Omni and Liquidity protocols. Results vary based on the staking amount, term, and type selected.

  • After you’ve identified a platform, the subsequent step is to deposit your USDT into the designated wallet on that platform.
  • They offer a ‘Flexible Savings’ feature for USDT, enabling users to earn interest by lending their USDT to Binance.
  • By 2022, Tether had become the third largest cryptocurrency, only after Bitcoin and Ethereum.

These platforms allow users to lend out their coins to others in exchange for interest or returns. Staking USDT opens the door to earning passive income in a stable and predictable fashion. The variety of platforms available for staking USDT gives investors plenty of choices to find one that best aligns with their needs and risk appetite. Prominent platforms like Binance, Kraken, OKEx, CoinEx, KuCoin, Celsius Network, and, among others, provide a plethora of features, security safeguards, and returns.

By 2022, Tether had become the third largest cryptocurrency, only after Bitcoin and Ethereum. It is the largest stablecoin, with a market capitalization of nearly $83 billion. Almost 2/3 of exchanges out of Bitcoin are done using Tether as a medium.

If you are holding crypto or involved in the market, you heard about “staking,” which is the process of earning interest on your cryptocurrency. This is a great way to add income to a portfolio to stabilize it and take advantage of times when volatility is extraordinarily low. Atomic Wallet does not provide any virtual asset services or any financial services, nor does provide any advisory, mediation, brokerage or agent services. Virtual asset services are provided to Atomic Wallet’ customers by third party service providers, which activities and services are beyond Atomic’ control. We urge all Atomic Wallet’ customers to familiarize themselves with the terms and conditions of third-party virtual asset service providers before engagement into a business relationship.

As a reward for staking your tokens, you have the opportunity to earn interest. As the digital finance landscape continues to evolve, the practice of staking USDT and other cryptocurrencies is set to become more sophisticated and secure. For the shrewd investor ready to navigate the complexities of crypto staking, the potential returns could be significant. However, as always in the world of investments, it’s important to heed the classic advice – never invest more than you’re prepared to lose. To optimize your returns from staking USDT, selecting an appropriate platform is crucial. In this section, we’ll shine a spotlight on several well-known platforms that support USDT staking.

A distinguishing feature of Pool-X is its provision of liquidity for staked assets, which are usually locked and, therefore, not liquid in conventional staking. USDT, technically speaking, does not support staking or staking rewards due to its consensus mechanism not being based on proof of stake. However, there are platforms such as Binance, KuCoin, and Atomic Wallet that offer flexible savings options for it.

The bottom line is that investors can make attractive returns by staking Tether. However, you can definitely find some juicy yields for staking the popular stablecoin. The website offers a 12.3% annual percentage rate plus compounding interest. You do not make a profit on Tether unless you are staking or loaning it out. As a “stablecoin,” it’s challenging to own enough for the micro fluctuations to make a difference. While Tether is treated the same as the US dollar, it is not the same as holding the US dollar.

Stake Crypto on Injective

Some crypto exchanges do not trade versus the US dollar, so you will sometimes be forced to have that coin. Lending it out, or “staking it,” as it is sometimes called, allows you to earn some interest on your holdings. What makes this even more attractive is that the coin is completely “stable,” pegged to the US dollar. You don’t participate in USDT staking because it is a proof of work consensus, not a proof of stake.

how to stake tether

In the fast-paced realm of digital finance, staking USDT has emerged as a favored avenue for investors aiming to enhance their earnings. Check out those related cryptos and find your next coin to stake. When participating in these lending programs, the custody of your coin is typically transferred to a third party, whether it be the platform itself or the borrowers. They may utilize the lent USDT to provide liquidity on their platform or lend it to individuals seeking to borrow it. USD Coin is the second-biggest stablecoin based on market cap. Both claim to be fully backed by either cash or short-dated U.S. government obligations.

How do I stake Tether on ReHold at 118.58%?

At the end of the staking duration, you can withdraw your original USDT along with the earned rewards. We found for you the best exchange to stake Tether.ReHold, in our opinion, is the best place to earn rewards and generate passive income from your USDT. Crypto staking is the technique of holding and locking cryptocurrency in a digital wallet in order to maintain the operations of a blockchain network.

how to stake tether

Of course, you’re probably more likely to break someone’s window. But still, the point is that there are plenty of ways to make money without actively working for it. This means that every dollar worth of Tether is backed by one dollar worth of cash, corporate bonds, secured loans, cash equivalents, and other assets. However, you must understand that holding US dollars is not the same. There is the possibility that Tether has some type of liquidity or financial problem, as it is backed by a mix of assets that could have issues. Because of this, you need to ensure that a few things are covered.

Tether USDt (USDT) Staking Information

There are some inherent risks to not only staking USDT but holding it. While the concept and practice of staking USDT are uncomplicated, the responsibility lies with the investor to carry out thorough research and due diligence. Grasping the staking process, evaluating the platform’s reliability, and diversifying the staking portfolio are crucial factors that can influence the success of staking USDT. Throw a rock in any direction and you could hit upon a way to generate passive income.

Disadvantages of Staking USDT

They contribute to the network’s security, consensus mechanism, and overall operation by doing so. In case you had a decent holding of USDT and wanted to know how to earn passive income on that, we’ve got you covered. Before we dive deeper into how to stake USDT, let us understand what staking is. The glaring risk with staking any cryptocurrency is that its price could plunge a lot more than the yield you receive from staking your coins. A 12% yield from staking won’t look so great if the underlying value of the cryptocurrency sinks 20% or more lower. The following two biggest stablecoins available for staking would include USD Coin, followed by BinanceUSD.

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