Author - Daniels Kenneth In category - Cryptocurrency exchange Publish time - 2 August 2023

how to burn crypto

Tokens sent to these wallets take cryptocurrencies out of circulation forever. Burning crypto refers to a deflationary process that permanently removes cryptocurrency tokens from circulation. This is done to decrease the total supply of a digital asset as an attempt to boost demand and increase market value. Burning crypto is a common practice, exercised by cryptocurrency platforms, that permanently removes tokens from circulation. By reducing the total supply of a coin, the hope is that the value of a specified digital asset will increase with market demand.

Crypto burning is typically done by transferring the tokens in question to a burn address, i.e. a wallet from which they cannot ever be retrieved. By reducing the supply of tokens, burning tokens can create an imbalance in relation to demand that usually moves the price of the token upwards because of the asset’s increased scarcity. Reducing the supply of token coins in the crypto market is a great way to generate value when implementing the laws of demand and supply. The value of the token coin will continue to increase as users keep requesting them even when they are few in the circulating supply. However, the main aim behind such an activity is to add value to tokens still in circulation by having more personal control of the overall supply of tokens demanded.

Another example of a method created for burning cryptocurrency is the burn portal created by Shiba Inu for burning Shib tokens and rewarding anyone who uses it. A frozen private address is a burn address with no private keys for granting access to coins. With so many new tokens emerging, one would expect the cryptocurrency community to contain many tokens with little to no value, but with the help of token burning, that’s not the case. Burning tokens is a not-so-new concept that has become popular in the crypto community, and new users are interested in it.

“Some blockchains even have a built-in mechanism integrated into the protocol that burns the tokens when necessary,” Cerba said. Functionally speaking, this allows projects and individuals to have verifiable proof recorded on the blockchain that the tokens sent to the address have disappeared from circulation. Although token burning may be effective, it is expensive and can easily lead to a token project’s demise.

  • The motivation is often to increase the value of the remaining tokens since assets tend to rise in price whenever the circulating supply falls and they become more scarce.
  • Often, algorithmic stablecoins mint more of the currency to increase the overall supply when the opposite situation occurs.
  • Additionally, removing tokens from circulation adjusts availability naturally.
  • “This increases — or at least maintains — liquidity to the market, and may lead to greater investor confidence,” Machikhin said.

So when a user is ready to reclaim their Solana tokens, the mSOL must be burned in order to maintain an accurate circulation number of mSOL to SOL in the protocol. Burning tokens can lead to an increase in the price of those tokens that are still in circulation. An asset’s price can be thought of as a relationship between supply and demand. If there’s less of an asset available to investors than there is demand for it, the asset will command a higher price as it’s traded. Inversely, if there’s an abundance of an asset that doesn’t meet the demand for it, the asset’s price will often fall.

The price of the token does not necessarily increase overnight when the burn takes place. Alternatively, investors may know a token burn is going to happen and “price it in” at an earlier point. Even so, in the long run, burning tokens tend to support an asset’s price and is considered a positive move.

Practical Applications for Coin Burning

Burning cryptocurrencies and NFTs is comparable to setting cash or art on fire, although the process is a bit more complex than lighting a match. Since each individual’s situation is unique, a qualified professional should always be consulted before making any financial decisions. Investopedia makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information contained herein. As of the date this article was written, the author owns Bitcoin and Ripple.

how to burn crypto

This reduces the supply, which theoretically acts to increase the currency’s price and benefit investors. It operates on the principle of allowing miners to burn virtual currency tokens. They are then granted the right to write blocks (mine) in proportion to the coins burnt. When crypto burning is embedded as part of an algorithm’s verification system, transactions are automatically verified. These protocols save resources while maintaining a fluid, active network.

Going further, some platforms require miners to brand the tokens they validate, marking their public address to each batch of tokens they validate — a method known as proof of burn. By burning a set amount of coins, one can incentivize miners, or transaction validators, and other stakeholders to continue holding coins. This demonstrates a long-term commitment to scarcity, making token holders marginally richer than they would have been otherwise.

Various projects may differ in their methods of allowing users to partake in token burning, but the idea remains the same. By burning cryptocurrency, a project can reduce the total supply of its tokens in circulation and gradually increase its value over time. Oftentimes, crypto is burned by owners or developers of crypto projects. Project owners may purchase a sum of the project’s available currency on the market themselves and send it directly to burner addresses. Another method for burning crypto, used by some networks like XRP Ledger, involves placing a fee on every crypto transaction and burning the collected fees. Typically, they come paired with a private key, providing means to open the vault.

What is a Token Burn? How Crypto is Removed From Circulation

But the method in which a project partakes in token burns can be a little complex, and you should ensure you fully understand what a token burn means for you. You can send out transactions to the network that will burn your coins. Other participants can mine/burn on top of your block, and you can also take the transactions of other participants to add them to your block.

Burning tokens can also benefit those staking tokens to validate transactions in a proof-of-stake protocol. When a large chunk of tokens are removed from circulation, there’s a likely chance they’ll receive a higher U.S. dollar value from their staking rewards. Burning tokens can also benefit those staking tokens to validate transactions in a proof-of-stake protocol. Cryptocurrency projects believe that the total available supply of token coins in circulation can alter the value of new coins added to the circulation supply. Burning crypto is a process that can and has been executed by many individuals and developers in the coin market for several years. Some token developers like Binance have been partaking in a periodic burning of their tokens and have executed this in quarterly burns since 2020.

Removing an asset from circulation to adjust availability and value is not a new concept. For example, central banks adjust the amount of circulating currency to adjust that currency’s purchasing power. There are a few other practical reasons for burning cryptocurrency. “Burning” crypto means permanently removing a number of tokens from circulation.

NFT projects have often used the process of burning crypto when doing revel drops, which requires holders to purchase assets before learning what they look like and burning the token they purchased to find out. Proof-of-burn (PoB) is one of the several consensus mechanism algorithms implemented by a blockchain network to ensure that all participating nodes agree to the true and valid state of the blockchain network. A consensus mechanism is a set of protocols that use multiple validators to agree that a transaction is valid. “Burning” crypto means permanently removing a number of tokens from circulation. This is typically done by transferring the tokens in question to a burn address, i.e. a wallet from which they cannot ever be retrieved.

Kyber Network Crystal

Protocols that use proof of burn include Ripple, BitShares, Slimcoin, Counterparty and Factom. “This acts as an incentive to keep the network secure, as miners are rewarded with new coins for destroying their old ones.” Machikhin said. He has worked as a reporter on European oil markets since 2019 at Argus Media and his work has appeared in BreakerMag, MoneyWeek and The Sunday Times.

  • Proof of burn is a consensus mechanism that requires miners to burn a set amount of coins in their personal possession to gain access to mine a block.
  • The tokens are sent to a wallet address that cannot be used for transactions other than receiving the coins.
  • Burning tokens can also benefit those staking tokens to validate transactions in a proof-of-stake protocol.
  • These protocols save resources while maintaining a fluid, active network.
  • Many projects have made several methods, terms, conditions, and incentives available for users burning cryptocurrency at a small portion.
  • Such projects partake in cryptocurrency burning at large amounts that help increase the value of their tokens.

The aim here is to reassure potential investors that the future supply of the token will continue to shrink, calming concerns of inflation or an overly diluted market. As a result, this practice can also add to the appeal of a token as a “store of value.” Ownership and personal control are at the crux of digital currencies and the ability to burn them is part of that. Although these projects claim to send their community token to a burn wallet address, they send it to a wallet address where they can retrieve it. The process of coin burning is a journey that can help a cryptocurrency community feel more involved. It builds trust in the road map and the system designed for its token community.

In the case of burning crypto, however, coins are sent to a “burner” or “eater” address with no known private key. A coin burn quite literally locks away digital assets and throws away the private key. Some algorithmic stablecoins use burning as a method of keeping the asset pegged at a certain price. The mechanic works by burning tokens when the asset’s price is low to reduce supply and better match demand.

Supporting the token value

A burn address is a digital wallet that can’t be accessed because it doesn’t have a private key attached to it, like a lock that someone never built a keyhole for. With PoB, coins get burned without energy waste by consuming a few resources to mine the coins you burn, and it also grants you the ability to write blocks equivalent to burnt ones. The PoB also helps to prevent fraud by verifying the transactions of new blocks added to a blockchain network. Tokens are burned by sending them to a wallet address that can only receive tokens, but not send any.

how to burn crypto

Alternatively, investors may know a token burn is going to happen and “price it in” at an earlier point. For this reason, a project burning tokens can be interpreted as positive news, but it doesn’t always have an immediate effect on prices. By burning, projects are providing a stable token value that can benefit investors greatly, and as we all continue to partake in token burns, the blockchain network strengthens. The periodic burn of sizable digital asset coins has provided a more balanced mining ecosystem by reducing the advantage early investors had over more recent investors. Now the blockchain network can benefit investors equally and provide value everyone can access. Many projects have made several methods, terms, conditions, and incentives available for users burning cryptocurrency at a small portion.


Some companies seek a considerable gain from the devaluation of a token. These companies wait for moments when a token experiences a dip, and they buy a considerable amount of that token, only to sell it all after a little pump. Check out Boardroom’s explainer on Bitcoin halving to explain what happens as the coin reaches its max supply. Boardroom is a media network that covers the business of sports, entertainment.

Reasons for Burning Crypto

That’s because some token burns are automated to happen regularly or are disclosed well in advance, and are effectively priced into the value a token trades at well before the burn takes place. It’s also possible that other news regarding a digital asset can have a more outsized effect on any price movement. Sending a token to a burn address effectively removes the digital asset from its overall supply, locking it up in the hands of nobody and preventing the asset from ever being traded again. There is no evidence yet that burning cryptocurrency tokens increases the value of that specific cryptocurrency. The action can influence investor and user sentiment which would have more of an effect of driving prices up and down.

The value of tokens could go up when some are removed from circulation because there is less supply. Not all cryptocurrencies have a maximum amount, so crypto burning may affect values differently. For coins like Bitcoin, there can only be 21 million ever created. For this reason, burning crypto could help boost a coin’s price when some are sent to the graveyard. The Ethereum blockchain uses the burn mechanism to merge miners to its new proof-of-stake network.

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